18 October, 2011

Resepi Buah Engkala

Buah Engkala

  • Buah engkala , 
  • garam dan perasa

Cara2 membuatnya:

1.Mula-mula tanggalkan buah engkala dari tangkainya.
2.Pukul secara lembut buah tersebut untuk melembutkannya.
3.Jika buah engkala separuh masak (masih ada kehijauan,
   hendaklah direndam sekejap dlm air panas), kemudian
   dipukul lembut.
4.Campurkan garam dan perasa..Siap!


BuaH engkala/engkalak atau nama saintifiknya Litsea Garciae.

Litsea Garciae,Small fruit, only 1-1.5" across, with pink to purple skin that is said to have an excellent delicate, avocado-like flavor. The fruits are little known, but reputedly well-liked by those who have had the chance to try them.

Description: Tropical tree which loves water and is often found growing near rivers and streams.

Hardiness: N/A

Growing Environment: N/A

Propagation: By seeds.

Uses: Eaten fresh or used to prepare foods. The fruit can be used in the same way as the avocado. Litsea seeds contain fats that are used in the production of soaps and candles.

Native Range: Native to the Sarawak and Sabah regions of Borneo, in Malaysia and Indonesia.


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